Saturday, June 10, 2017

Different Stag Do Ideas

Partying, drinking and falling over is actually well and good- as a matter fact you can do much worse than falling over in one of the best stag destinations in the world: but with more and more husbands to be adding some touches to their wedding, the stag should not be that different.
In this guide, you shall learn some offbeat stagger; get stag do ideas, from playing games with a football star to racing bangers across Europe.
Playing with a legend
This depends entirely on the size of the group as well as the player, normally, it will cost anywhere between 60 pounds and 100 pounds per head. But, there is nothing as fun as playing with your friends and family, and in the blink of an eye your football heroes are thrown in the game, such as John Terry for Chelsea or Real Madrid’s Christiano Ronaldo or Kerry Dixon- Chelsea’s eight times capped winner. Play matches with these stars on the pitch and then recap on the moments on a number of drinks. That’s amazing, isn’t it?

The advantages of playing with a legend
The best thing about playing with a legend is that you get to enjoy time together, talk, chat on sports issues and so much more. You also get to create a good relationship with them.
Disadvantages of playing with a legend
It is easy to get nut-mugged by an older legend, who may leave for death.
Bobsleigh Run
 It might take a while to get to the track. In addition, it may cost more when it comes to upgrading to a good one with a driver.
Have you and your friends ever thought of playing amazing runnings? Then if not, go to Riga and have yourself some fun, and enjoy the ride of a life time. Here, there is an adrenaline-powered blast of bobsleigh action stretching for about 420 meters long, and from a height of approximately 120 kilometers. It can reach a speed of up to 80 kilometers per hour. You can also test your skills, nerve and speed surrounded by panoramic mountain views and get ready for a lot of stag-based banter later on.
Stitch up the stag
Purchasing drinks from the store and carry it with your to the event, and also hire photographer. A good example of a great place to do staging is Amsterdam- especially when you think about its infamous Red Light District. There is nothing more interesting than stitching up the  stag in a bachelor party, and this is  great way of making a mockery of the bridegroom in front of the Red Light punters. You can even take down a cold one and prepare yourself for the show while you are putting your slag in a sex window dressed up in funny costumes such as chaps and the classic gimp suit. Here, hilarity is legitimate.
It is a great excuse to wear fancy dress
It may not be as much as fun as one may think. It depends with the person.


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